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do you regret your decision yet?

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to the boy who lied and said he loved me<div class

Finnick Odair & Johanna Mason
that’s why she’s in love with you, you know… there were a lot of other boys, but they didn’t scare her. she rather frightened them, I think. you’re very different. I think you frightened her, and that’s why she likes you. 
1 2 johanna mason ✲ the hunger games
2024-05-30 18:04:51 - Garaii D'Israeli

truth is as terrible as death, but harder to find

Alexander Avery & Martha Evermonde
Darling, you are not at war. Slow down, breathe deep, drop your guard. No one is chasing you but me. 
4 22 все мы - чьи-то забытые следы
2025-02-07 12:02:40 - Martha Evermonde

recklessly, ridiculously, i want you

Marton Goyle & Alexandra Avery
I no longer need you to fuck me as hard as I hated myself. Make love to me like you know I am better than the worst thing I ever did.
5 13 ready to take things personally
2023-07-19 14:54:22 - Garaii D'Israeli

you knew me better than my own writing ever did

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2 3 icons
2023-07-19 15:06:33 - Garaii D'Israeli

and most of all we spoke of love

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the game of love is a wondrous thing

and we talked of things that hurt and of things that heal, and only one thing was a constant: the love with which we used to speak
1 10 the floodgates of #love
2025-02-05 18:53:32 - Martha Evermonde

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